
Incentive Prizes

Great Incentive Prizes!

Raise money, help others, and score awesome prizes. It’s a win-win-win!

  • $50: Attend the Q&A with Trinity Thomas. One Parent Welcome!
  • $150: Meet Trinity for Pictures & Autographs One Parent Welcome!
  • $300:  You'll be the official event photo with Trinity that she posts to her social media!
  • $500: You've won a VIP Autographed Fundraising Plaque!
  • $1,000: A Trinity Thomas SWAG BAG!
  • $1,500: Make a thank you video with NCAA gymnast of the year Trinity Thomas to send to your donors!

Go for the top!  Our top overall fundraisers will win awesome experiences with Trinity!

  • Top 3, with one parent, will sit at the HEAD TABLE with Trinity during breakfast!
  • Top 20 will attend, with one parent, a private breakfast banquet with Trinity Thomas!
  • All gymnasts raising $150 will attend, with one parent, the the Sparkle and Shine with Trinity Thomas VIP Meet & Greet IN Meet & Greet with Trinity that includes a Q&A, pictures, autographs and a framable Trinity poster!