
Isabella | Gymnast Profile

Total raised: $2,500.00
Fundraising progress based on $3,000

Club: Spirit Gymnastics Academy
Hobbies: Have fun with friends
Favorite School Subject: Math
Favorite Food: Pulled pork sandwich
Favorite Athlete: Trinity Thomas & Simone Byles
My fundraising message: Thank you in advanced for all the support provided all this years during my gymnastics career.
Prizes won: Goals With Trinity Thomas, A Private Gymnastics Clinic With Trinity Thomas, Private Time With Trinity Thomas, Private Time With Trinity Thomas

Support Isabella & Spirit Gymnastics Academy!

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Welcome to Isabella's personal fundraising page!

Isabella is fundraising with NCAA gymnast of the year Trinity Thomas to help Spirit Gymnastics Sports Academy raise funds for Spirit Gymnastics Academy!

The more Isabella raises, the more help Isabella gives, and the more prizes Isabella wins!

Raise money, help others, and score awesome prizes. It’s a win-win-win!

  • $350: Meet Trinity for clinics, pictures, autographs and Q&A session. One parent welcome!
  • $500: Take home a color poster of NCAA gymnast of the year Trinity Thomas.
  • $750: Trinity will present you a signed Certificate of Fundraising Excellence during the Q&A session.
  • $1,000: The official event Reach for your Star Leo!
  • $1,500: Make a thank you video with NCAA gymnast of the year Trinity Thomas to send to your donors!
  • $2,000: Pose alongside NCAA gymnast of the year Trinity Thomas in the official event picture that Trinity will post to her over 1,600,000 social media followers!
  • $3,000: Have a picture taken of you and NCAA gymnast of the year Trinity Thomas to be posted on her Instagram story.

Go for the top!  Our top overall fundraisers will win awesome experiences with Trinity!

  • Top 2 will attend the private lunch – seated next to Trinity!
  • Top 10 will attend a private lunch with Trinity. Bring your questions, your camera, and your appetite!
  • Top 20 will attend an additional private clinic with Trinity Thomas!

Message Board

God bless you niece - noel gonzålez

Love you Isabella! Your family! - Paola Martinez

To Isabella from uncle karl. Carlos santiago - carlos santiago

Dios te bendiga y que tus sueños se te hagan realidad. Te amo tu abuela, Myriam. - Myriam Bravo

Anything is posible Isabella, we love you! The Martinez Family - maria martinez

The ski is the limit. Que Dios guíe tus pasos para que sigas cosechando éxitos y que todos tus sueños se hagan realidad. Te Amo!! Tu abu Mayra. - Mayra De Jesus

Good luck! - Rebecca Poventud

De parte de Hernan de Jesús y Xiomara De Jesús Dios te bendiga en tus éxitos y sigue hacia de Lante,👍😘 - Xiomara Robert

Muchas bendiciones 🙏 - Jorge Proano

Future Olympic Athlete! Never stop dreaming!!! - Rogelio Torres

Saludos Isabella, esta donación es de parte de Abuelo Noel, Dios te bendiga mucho, y mucho exito!! - noel gonzålez

Good luck! Elizabeth Perfecto - Elizabeth Perfecto

Muchos éxito, con mucho cariño tu tío Emiro. - Myriam Bravo

De parte de tu titi Mireya y Tio Gerardo te amamos - Yaritza Rodriguez De Jesus

Dios te gui y bendiga siempre en tus suenos!! Mucho exito! - Linda Flores

From Miranda and Chris. - Chris Grover

Isabella te felicito y mucho éxito espero verte en las olimpiadas. - Mary C O'Reilly

Dios te bendice Isa! - Isis Caballer

Isabella, I wish you the best. Keep up the good work. - chibale bandele