

FUNDRAISING ENDS TONIGHT! Set Goals with Leanne Wong and Victoria Nguyen!

FUNDRAISING ENDS TONIGHT! Set Goals with Leanne Wong and Victoria Nguyen!

FUNDRAISING ENDS TONIGHT! Set Goals with Leanne Wong and Victoria Nguyen!

Being a top athlete involves countless hours of repetitions, drills and strength training. It’s a grind.

After a grueling day training, the journal comes out and short and long term goals are set. 

To help you make the most of your goals, we’ve designed an exclusive “Reach for Your Star” journal.

EVERYONE raising $100 between midnight Wednesday, 5/17/2023 and 11:59:59 PM Wednesday, 5/17/2023 wins! Online donations only.

If you win this contest:

-You will meet privately with Leanne & Victoria to receive your journal

-Discuss possible goals for you to journal

- Leanne Wong will personally inscribe a message to you inside your journal!

-Parents get ready! You’ll pose for a photo with Leanne Wong and your journal!

When Leanne visits Tumbleweeds Gymnastics on Sunday May 21, 2023…

The top 10 overall fundraisers, and a parent and any earned guest, attend lunch with Leanne!

The top 2 overall fundraisers will sit next to Leanne at lunch!

The top 3 overall fundraisers will STAR in a gold / silver / bronze medal presentation ceremony… presided over by Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong. Leanne will autograph and personally present each medal! Parents be sure to be ready with your camera!

Thank you for fundraising for New Equipment for the Gym.

Contest ended and the Winners are:

  • Sarah Organ: $250.00
  • Laiann M: $250.00
  • Cora Engel: $240.00
  • Hayden Brown: $200.00
  • Brooklyn Ramos: $150.00
  • Raelyn Craig: $150.00
  • Violet Sinar: $100.00
  • Ivy Sinar: $100.00
  • Harper Ervin: $100.00
  • Charlotte Ervin: $100.00

LAST CHANCE To Double Your Donations up to $500 + PhotoBomb!

LAST CHANCE To Double Your Donations up to $500 + PhotoBomb!

LAST CHANCE To Double Your Donations up to $500 + PhotoBomb!

Special double opportunity: All on-line donations received from midnight Friday, 5/12/2023 through 11:59:59 PM Tuesday, 5/16/2023 up to $500 will be automatically doubled!

For example:

Raise $100 and get credit for $200.

Raise $250 and get credit for $500.

Raise $500 and get credit for $1,000.

This is a GREAT opportunity to reach your next incentive prize level!

Thank you for fundraising for New Equipment for the Gym. 

Please note: A minimum of $250 has to be raised first to begin the double donations.

When Leanne visits Tumbleweeds Gymnastics on Sunday May 21, 2023…

The top 10 overall fundraisers, and a parent and any earned guest, attend lunch with Leanne!

The top 2 overall fundraisers will sit next to Leanne at lunch!

The top 3 overall fundraisers will STAR in a gold / silver / bronze medal presentation ceremony… presided over by Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong. Leanne will autograph and personally present each medal! Parents be sure to be ready with your camera!

Contest ended and the Winners are:

  • Brynlee Leffingwell: $1,000.00
  • Raelyn Young: $350.00
  • Fallon Young: $350.00
  • Ivyana Parris: $300.00
  • Hayden Mees: $200.00
  • Sarah Organ: $200.00
  • Enya Bevell: $170.00
  • Reyn Bevell: $170.00


Perform your Routine for Leanne Wong + Private Time!

Perform your Routine for Leanne Wong + Private Time!

Perform your Routine for Leanne Wong + Private Time!

Imagine being mentored one on one by Leanne Wong. Imagine…just you, your favorite routine and Leanne Wong.

Win this contest and you’ll have a chance to perform a full routine for Leanne.

Following the routine, Leanne will huddle with you to give you a full rundown:

What you did well, where you can improve, what you need to do to go from good to great.

Everyone raising $100 or more between midnight Monday, 5/8/2023 and 11:59:59 PM Thursday, 5/11/2023 will win this amazing opportunity to be mentored one-on-one by some of the best gymnasts on the planet!  

PLUS: The top 2 fundraisers, $100 minimum, spend private time with Leanne Wong! 

Thank you for fundraising for New Equipment for the Gym.

Contest ended and the Winners are:

  • Violet Sinar: $200.00
  • Ivy Sinar: $200.00

Private Time With Leanne!

Spin the Prize Wheel!

Spin the Prize Wheel!

Beginning midnight Monday, 5/1/2023 through 11:59:59 PM Sunday, 5/7/2023, every $40 that you raise gets you a chance to spin the Leanne Wong prize wheel.  You’ll win a prize with every spin – guaranteed!

You'll win either:

-A bonus pop of $50-$300 added to your fundraising total!

-Awesome autographs from Olympic gymnasts!

-GK Leos!

-And more!

Guaranteed win with every spin. 

Thank you for fundraising for New Equipment for the Gym.

Wheel Contest ended.

Set Goals with Leanne Wong + GK Leo's!

Set Goals with Leanne Wong + GK Leo's!

Set Goals… with Leanne Wong + GK Leo's!

Being a top athlete involves countless hours of repetitions, drills and strength training. It’s a grind.

After a grueling day training, the journal comes out and short and long term goals are set. 

To help you make the most of your goals, we’ve designed an exclusive “Reach for Your Star” journal.

EVERYONE raising $100 between midnight Monday, 4/24/2023 and 11:59:59 PM Sunday, 4/30/2023 wins! Online donations only.

If you win this contest:

-You will meet privately with Leanne Wong to receive your journal

-Discuss possible goals for you to journal

- Leanne Wong will personally inscribe a message to you inside your journal!

-Parents get ready! You’ll pose for a photo with Leanne Wong and your journal!

PLUS: The top 2 fundraisers during this contest, $200 minimum, will win a TON of various GK leotards!

Thank you for fundraising for New Equipment for the Gym.

Contest ended and the Winners are:

  • Raelyn Young: $250.00
  • Fallon Young: $250.00
  • Ivyana Parris: $226.00
  • Brynlee Leffingwell: $100.00

A TON of GK Leotards!

Double Your Donations up to $500 + Private Time With Leanne Wong!

Double Your Donations up to $500 +  Private Time With Leanne Wong!

Double Your Donations up to $500 +  Private Time With Leanne Wong!

Special double opportunity: All on-line donations received from midnight Monday, 4/17/2023 through 11:59:59 PM Sunday, 4/23/2023 up to $500 will be automatically doubled!

For example:

Raise $100 and get credit for $200.

Raise $250 and get credit for $500.

Raise $500 and get credit for $1,000.

This is a GREAT opportunity to reach your next incentive prize level!

PLUS:  The top 2 fundraisers during this contest, $200 minimum, will spend Private Time with Leanne!

Thank you for fundraising for New Equipment for the Gym. 

Please note: A minimum of $250 has to be raised first to begin the double donations.

When Leanne visits Tumbleweeds Gymnastics on Sunday May 21, 2023…

The top 10 overall fundraisers, and a parent and any earned guest, attend lunch with Leanne!

The top 2 overall fundraisers will sit next to Leanne at lunch!

The top 3 overall fundraisers will STAR in a gold / silver / bronze medal presentation ceremony… presided over by Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong. Leanne will autograph and personally present each medal! Parents be sure to be ready with your camera!

Contest ended and the Winners are:

  • Ivyana Parris: $1,094.00
  • Violet Sinar: $1,023.00
  • Ivy Sinar: $1,023.00
  • Brynlee Leffingwell: $1,000.00
  • Hayden Mees: $640.00
  • Autumn Alexander: $600.00
  • Emmie Hill: $600.00
  • Brooklyn Ramos: $510.00
  • Charlotte Ervin: $500.00
  • Raelyn Young: $500.00
  • Fallon Young: $500.00
  • Megan Wanca: $470.00
  • Monroe Carter: $450.00
  • Harper Ervin: $450.00
  • Olivia Sofranko: $310.00
  • Julia Presnell: $300.00
  • Nicole Aguilar: $300.00
  • Sarah Organ: $300.00
  • Emma Lekas: $275.00
  • Calista Duffy: $250.00
  • Reyn Bevell: $250.00
  • McKenna Perry: $250.00
  • Enya Bevell: $250.00
  • Sydney Freeland: $250.00
  • Violet Bienias: $152.00
  • Lucy Brehier: $150.00
  • Cora Engel: $105.00
  • Aliyah Hunger: $100.00
  • Tessa Schwartz: $75.00
  • Julianna Shaw: $50.00

Private Time With Leanne

Get FRAMED with Leanne + Private Meetup!

Get FRAMED with Leanne + Private Meetup!

Get FRAMED with Leanne Wong + Private Meetup!

That space on your wall will look SWEET with a framed & autographed 8x10 color photo of you and Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong!

Everyone who raises $100 between midnight Monday, 4/10/2023 and 11:59:59 PM Sunday, 4/16/2023 scores a 1-on-1 photo op with Leanne and takes home an awesome memento of an unforgettable day! Online donations only.

PLUS: The TOP 2 fundraisers during this contest, $200 minimum, will spend 5 PRIVATE MINUTES with Leanne! Parents bring your cameras!

Thank you for fundraising to New Equipment for the Gym.

Contest ended and the Winners are:

  • McKenna Perry: $135.00
  • Brynlee Leffingwell: $100.00

Private Time With Leanne!

You & Leanne in a Private Gymnastics Clinic + Private Time!

You & Leanne in a Private Gymnastics Clinic + Private Time!

You & Leanne in a Private Gymnastics Clinic + Private Time!

If you’re serious about Gymnastics, you’re looking for every edge you can get to improve your skills.

Here’s the ultimate edge: a private training session with Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong!

Leanne will spend private quality time with a select group of extremely lucky athletes.

The TOP 5 fundraisers between midnight Monday, 4/3/2023 and 11:59:59 PM Sunday, 4/9/2023 win! 

Parents, have your phones ready to video this amazing experience!

Minimum $100 raised during the contest period to win, online donations only.  Good luck!

PLUS:  The top 2 fundraisers during this contest, $200 minimum, spend PRIVATE TIME with Leanne!

Thank you for fundraising for New Equipment for the Gym.

Contest ended and the Winners are:

  • Brynlee Leffingwell: $500.00
  • Sarah Organ: $200.00
  • Saniyyah Basnight: $175.00
  • Julia Presnell: $175.00
  • Cora Engel: $150.00

Private Time With Leanne!

VIP Meet & Greet with Leanne Wong + Autographed Leanne Postcard!

VIP Meet & Greet with Leanne Wong + Autographed Leanne Postcard!

VIP Meet & Greet with Leanne Wong + Autographed Leanne Postcard!

Every youngster dreams of the opportunity to meet a sports hero. Here’s your chance to make that dream come true:

The top 5 fundraisers between midnight Monday, 3/27/2023 and 11:59:59 PM Sunday, 4/2/2023 win a spot in an exclusive VIP Meet & Greet with Leanne Wong!  Minimum  $100 raised during the contest period to win, online donations only.

Besides being a world-class athlete, Leanne is a warm, genuine, delightful person – as you’ll discover if you win this contest!

PLUS: Everyone raising $25 or more during this contest will win a full colored autographed postcard of Leanne which Leanne will personally present during the event.  Parents, have your cameras ready!

Good luck & thank you for fundraising for New Equipment for the Gym.

Contest ended and the Winners are:

  • Violet Sinar: $310.00
  • Ivy Sinar: $310.00
  • Saniyyah Basnight: $275.00
  • Kendra Foster: $250.00
  • Violet Bienias: $250.00
  • Ivyana Parris: $240.00
  • Brooklyn Ramos: $215.00
  • Calista Duffy: $200.00
  • Emmie Hill: $180.00
  • Emma Lekas: $150.00
  • Olivia Sofranko: $105.00
  • Julianna Shaw: $100.00
  • Charlotte Ervin: $100.00
  • Gwenna Berry: $100.00
  • Ally Seang: $50.00
  • Vianney Zamora: $50.00
  • Autumn Alexander: $50.00
  • CHERI MARKS: $50.00
  • Aliyah Hunger: $50.00
  • Amariya Dixon: $50.00
  • Sarah Organ: $50.00
  • McKenna Perry: $25.00
  • Raelyn Young: $25.00
  • Fallon Young: $25.00
  • Lucy Brehier: $25.00

A VIP Meet & Greet With Leanne!

Selfie Session With Leanne Wong + Handstand Contest!

Selfie Session With Leanne Wong + Handstand Contest!

Selfie Session With Leanne Wong + Handstand Contest!

Score a photo keepsake that you’ll cherish forever: a selfie of you & Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong! The top 5 fundraisers between midnight Friday, 3/17/2023 and 11:59:59 PM Sunday, 3/26/2023 win! $100 minimum raised during the contest period to qualify, online donations only.

PLUS: Everyone who raises $25 or more during this contest win a spot in a handstand contest which Leanne will judge. Prizes for the top 3!

Good luck & thank you for fundraising for New Equipment for the Gym.

    Contest ended and the Winners are:

    • Hayden Mees: $1,250.00
    • Ivyana Parris: $690.00
    • McKenna Perry: $675.00
    • Brooklyn Ramos: $670.00
    • Amariya Dixon: $550.00
    • Raelyn Craig: $510.00
    • Sarah Organ: $500.00
    • Charlotte Ervin: $400.00
    • Emmie Hill: $320.00
    • Julianna Shaw: $300.00
    • Hayden Brown: $300.00
    • Brynn Kirby: $250.00
    • Autumn Alexander: $250.00
    • Lucy Brehier: $225.00
    • Gwenna Berry: $150.00
    • Julia Presnell: $100.00
    • Tessa Schwartz: $100.00
    • Raelyn Young: $100.00
    • Fallon Young: $100.00
    • Olivia Sofranko: $75.00
    • Cora Engel: $55.00
    • Calista Duffy: $50.00
    • Nicole Aguilar: $50.00
    • Megan Wanca: $50.00
    • Aliyah Hunger: $25.00

    A Selfie Session With Leanne!