
Julianna | Gymnast Profile

Total raised: $450.00
Fundraising progress based on $500

Club: Tumbleweeds Gymnastics
Hobbies: Gymnastics, Roblox, playing with neighborhood friends, bike riding, making art and creating science projects
Favorite School Subject: Recess!
Favorite Food: Cheeseburger
Favorite Athlete: Aaron Rodgers
My fundraising message: Julie is just beginning her competitive team gymnastics career and has an awesome opportunity to attend a clinic with one of the best gymnasts! This opportunity will also help raise funds for her local gym to support the amazing children’s gymnastics programs they offer. Please help Julie’s gym get some new equipment and help her team with the cost of new team leotards! Thank you!!
Prizes won: A Spot In The Leanne Handstand Contest, An Autographed Leanne Postcard

Support Julianna & New Equipment for the Gym!

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Welcome to Julianna's personal fundraising page!

Julianna is fundraising with Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong to help Tumbleweeds Gymnastics raise funds for New Equipment for the Gym!

The more Julianna raises, the more help Julianna gives, and the more prizes Julianna wins!

Raise money, help others, and score awesome prizes. It’s a win-win-win!

  • $250: Meet Leanne for clinics, pictures, autographs and Q&A session. One parent welcome!
  • $500: Take home a color poster of Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong.
  • $1,000: The official event Reach for your Star Leo!
  • $1,500: A Leanne Wong bow!
  • $1,500: Make a thank you video with Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong to send to your donors!
  • $2,000: You'll be the official event photo with Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong and be tagged on Tumbleweeds Gymnastics social media!
  • $3,000: Have a picture taken of you and Florida Gator & US National Team Star Leanne Wong to be posted on her Instagram story.
  • $5,000: Go LIVE on LR Productions Instagram With Leanne Wong as you welcome her to Tumbleweeds Gymnastics!

Go for the top!  Our top overall fundraisers will win awesome experiences with Leanne!

  • Top 2 will attend the private lunch – seated next to Leanne!
  • Top 10 will attend a private lunch with Leanne. Bring your questions, your camera, and your appetite!
  • Top 30 will participate in an additional special private clinic with Leanne. 

Message Board

We are so very proud of you Julianna and we can’t wait to see what this new season of life holds for you! Go get ‘em spitfire!! - Katherine Shaw

Love you Julianna ❤️ Gramma & Papa - Stacy Shaw

Go Julianna! From your Uncle Lee and Aunt Jacque! - Jacque Shaw

Good luck - Sandra Schulte

Good luck Julianna, Love Memaw! - Katherine Shaw

Ammadu let's do kummudu.😜👊 - Srikanth Veerabathini