Great Incentive Prizes!
Raise money, help others, and score awesome prizes. It’s a win-win-win!
- $250: Meet Katelyn for clinics, pictures, autographs and Q&A session. One parent welcome!
- $500: Take home a color poster of UCLA's "Perfect 10" Katelyn Ohashi.
- $750: Katelyn will present you with a signed Certificate of Fundraising Excellence!
- $1,000: The official event Reach for your Star Leo!
- $2,000: You'll be the official event photo with UCLA's "Perfect 10" Katelyn Ohashi and be tagged on Soar Moor Gymnastics social media!
- $3,000: Have a picture taken of you and UCLA's "Perfect 10" Katelyn Ohashi to be posted on her Instagram story.
Go for the top! Our top overall fundraisers will win awesome experiences with Katelyn!
- Top 2 will attend the private lunch – seated next to Katelyn!
- Top 10 will attend a private lunch with Katelyn. Bring your questions, your camera, and your appetite!
- Top 30 will participate in an additional special private clinic with Katelyn.